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Adding Assets

A common part of applications is importing assets, such as images, fonts, and files.

Build-time Assets

In the context of ERB, build-time assets are those that are managed by Webpack. They are imported like JS modules and transformed to encoded strings by Webpack.

Out of the box, ERB supports the following assets:

AssetSupported Extensions
Images.png, .svg, .jpg, jpeg, gif
Fonts.svg, woff, woff2, eot, .ttf, .otf
import catImage from "./cat.jpg";

function CatComponent() {
return <img src={catImage} />;

Run-time Assets

In the context of ERB, run-time assets are separate files that are included in the packaged application and used through file paths. You will need to include their locations in package.json['build']['files']. This is so that electron-builder's configuration knows to include them when packaging.

(Note that these locations are relative to the release/app directory)

"build": {
// ...
"files": [
// ...

For example, you can include Python within your electron app and call it at run-time to print Hello World from Python.

const pythonBinary = path.join(__dirname, "assets", "python");
const pythonScript = 'print("Hello World from Python")';
exec(`echo '${pythonScript}' | ${pythonBinary}`, (error, stdout) => {
console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`);

Here is a runnable example of this

A useful tip is using asar (the format that electron-builder packages into) to see the contents of the packaged build. You will see that it contains content included within package.json['build']['files'].

asar list release/mac/